Remote Statistics

Here are summary statistics from the 40 Remote Spots we have documented thus far as part of Project Remote. These include three states (FL, CT, ME) for which we have only documented the Mainland, not island Remote Spots. Click here for state ranking information.

Average Distance from a Road: 6.53 miles

Average Distance from a Trail (of the 25 land-based Spots): 0.81 miles

Total Travel Miles: 899

Total Hiking Miles: 551

Total Boating Miles: 348

Heaviest pack weight: 71 (Ryan), 54 (Rebecca), 9 (Skyla)

Least Remote: Kansas (0.8 miles from a road)

Most Remote: Wyoming (21.6 miles from a road)

Most river crossings – 120 (New Mexico)

Percent with Cell Phone Coverage: 58%

Number within National Public Land: 30

Number within designated Wilderness Areas: 15

Number within US National Forests: 11

Number within US National Wildlife Refuges: 9

Number within US National Parks: 8

Percent with Human Presence Documented during a 15-minute Remote Spot Assessment: 90%

Number Reachable in 1 Day: 24 (this means we were able to travel to the Spot, document the Spot, then return to our point of departure in 1 day).